Connect with your favourite Punchout

Control your purchases at
every step of the way

Connect with suppliers

Connect with suppliers

Connect approved supplier websites to your Kissflow account and allow employees to enjoy the ease of purchasing from different sites

Speed up approvals

Speed up approvals

Easily approve purchase requests, view product information, and verify pricing directly on the Kissflow account without manually accessing each supplier site

Gain control

Gain control

Take control of your budget and reduce the risk of maverick spend by approving and denying requests based on the available budget

Enjoy visibility

Enjoy visibility

Track the in and out of every purchase request, including who raised it, who approved it, what is requested, and more

Unified system

Unified system

Effortlessly manage all types of purchases - catalog, non-catalog, and punch-out in one place

Save time and effort

Save time and effort

Eliminate manual efforts and errors by auto-creating purchase orders once a purchase request is approved