Sourcing the best suppliers just got way easier

All the tools you need to invite potential suppliers,
compare their quotes, and choose the best from the lot
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Trusted by 1,000+ global procurement leaders

You deserve to work with the
best suppliers

Spend Analytics

Identify cost saving

Spot cost-saving opportunities by consolidating your supplier base and eliminating off-contract purchases with comprehensive spend analytics and reports

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    Gain spend insights

  • Info Icon

    Strengthen supplier base

Spend analytics_Screenshots
Sourcing Events

Move away from
cluttered emails

With options like scheduling, bidding type, and response limits, you can customize your sourcing events the way you want and receive all supplier responses in a centralized database

  • Info Icon

    Custom sourcing events

  • Info Icon

    Invite suppliers at scale

Sourcng Event_Screenshots
Quote Comparison

Choose the best deal,

With product-driven insights on the best suppliers in terms of price, payments terms and delivery time, you won’t have to think twice about who to award it to

  • Info Icon

    Compare supplier quotes

  • Info Icon

    Award and onboard suppliers

Quote Comparison_Screenshots

The all-in-one platform for all your
sourcing needs

Spend report

Spend reports

Reports on product categories, suppliers, and departments help you identify cost-saving opportunities

Event analytics

Event analytics

Visual charts help you to quickly review supplier responses at any time during your sourcing event

Comparision _ Compare

Quote comparison

Easily compare supplier quotes and choose the best supplier using our intuitive user interface

Customer Onboarding-1

Award and onboard

Award contracts to the best suppliers, easily onboard them, and store all their information in a centralized system

Workflow Management_

Approval management

Easily set up approval workflows for events to ensure the right people are involved in the evaluation and awarding process

Supplier Collaboration

Supplier collaboration

Seamlessly communicate with suppliers to share event-related updates like changes in deadlines, specifications, and schedules

From source to pay, everything customized your way

Sourcing the best suppliers
just got way easier

All the tools you need to invite potential suppliers,
compare their quotes, and choose the best from the lot

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Simplify purchasing with
unparalleled control and

A flexible procurement platform that gives you
complete control and clear context of every dollar

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Build better supplier

Take control of your entire supplier management
cycle from onboarding, to performance tracking
– all in one place

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Say goodbye to managing
contracts manually

Set up custom approval workflows, enjoy a centralized
contract repository, and easily access them in just a few clicks

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Optimal stock levels,

A complete inventory management system
that lets you stay on top of your tracking and reordering game

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Process your invoices
on time, every time

Eliminate delays, errors and receiving those “Hey, can you
share the payment update?” texts from your suppliers

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Your purchase decisions,
backed by our analytics

Track and control your organization’s spend through reports,
and easily make data-informed decisions on future spend

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Unlock data harmony
across all your systems

Bring together scattered information from your existing data
silos to build a unified source of truth

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Strategic Sourcing
Sourcing the best suppliers
just got way easier

All the tools you need to invite potential suppliers,
compare their quotes, and choose the best from the lot

no code no problem

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Simplify purchasing with
unparalleled control and

A flexible procurement platform that gives you
complete control and clear context of every dollar

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Build better supplier

Take control of your entire supplier management
cycle from onboarding, to performance tracking
– all in one place

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Say goodbye to managing
contracts manually

Set up custom approval workflows, enjoy a centralized
contract repository, and easily access them in just a few clicks

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Optimal stock levels,

A complete inventory management system
that lets you stay on top of your tracking and reordering game

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Process your invoices
on time, every time

Eliminate delays, errors and receiving those “Hey, can you
share the payment update?” texts from your suppliers

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Your purchase decisions,
backed by our analytics

Track and control your organization’s spend through reports,
and easily make data-informed decisions on future spend

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

Unlock data harmony
across all your systems

Bring together scattered information from your existing data
silos to build a unified source of truth

no code no problem

Know more ⇾

What customers love
about Kissflow Procurement Cloud

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Complete visibility

As a Procurement team, we wanted a smart P2P solution that gave our customers a rich experience in terms of visibility and user experience. KPC checked all those boxes for us!

Zakaria El Rhezaoui

Senior Director Procurement

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Fully flexible

Kissflow Procurement Cloud is incredibly flexible. It helped us create various workflows for several use-cases and it’s incredibly user-friendly.

Jawed Neshat

Director of Finance and Operations

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Better efficiency

With Kissflow Procurement Cloud, we were able to automate 80% of tasks that we were doing manually before and it has significantly improved our efficiency.

Bernard Hasiholan

Head of Finance

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Top-notch service

Compared with all the other products we evaluated, the team at Kissflow Procurement Cloud is the most patient, knowledgable and they always found a way to make our requests happen.

Roy Reuter

Director Indirect Procurement